Saturday, 15 December 2012

Canada vs Singapore- My Thoughts on Migrating

Migration. i never thought i'll be stuck with such a big decision.
Do birds feel this way too?? O_O

So i'm stuck in front of a computer during my end of year holidays in vancouver, canada, supposedly the best city to live in in the world, with a slight fever, a cough, running nose etcetc with no friends around me and with only the wonderful world of anime and manga and cosplay and etc to accompany me, as I research endlessly about
- Universities in Canada
- Programs available
- Canada schooling (high school graduate vs British system a level certificate)
- Canada social security systems
- Canada taxations

I've researched until I've become sick of the com.

but yeah, i've become so sick of researching about so many many things.
I guess i'm just really afraid that I'll subconsciously fall prey to the mentality of "the other side of the mountain is greener"and make a decision I'll regret or something.

However, i do have a few conclusions I've come up with (i'm writing this with half a mind so please bear with me :) )

For one, that basically the Singapore system of A levels and O levels is much harder than Grade 12 Canada high school curriculum-- Like the A levels are around a year into university so basically you'll learn much much more with the A Levels System (be it in UK/Singapore or any other country that uses this system). Like, so is that better or is that worse?

Duh, like anything in this world, this is another one of those annoying gray areas.
And that's why it's so hard to decide- (o btw, i'm just finished Secondary 4/Grade 10 in Singapore)

Should i choose a harder system that would prepare me more for university and allow me to have a broader albeit a possibly more mature outlook on the world and life itself? Or should i choose a less harder system where I have more time to be a teenager and do what i like to do or find what i truly want to do? (However, it's not all that easy too, because to score high in the Canadian high school system, one must also rely on their ownself to motivate and to work hard, while in Singapore, there are so many factors that require one to work hard)

And that's not all, Singapore, after all, being my homeland is the more comfortable option, but mostly for my mentality because if one were to compare the climate and the weather here to Singapore's weather, indubitably, the climate of Vancouver is more ideal.

Furthermore, Vancouver is close to America (darned friggin close ok) and it has tons of space, houses and it has snow mountains and etc. It also has a cleaner environment than Singapore - the water, the air, the food (vancouver has its own farms) are all better.

Yet despite the hot and humid climate of Singapore, it has a more vibrant urban culture than Vancouver, which is more like quite inhabitied by nature, yet with enough spurts of urban life and a thriving arts scene to sustain the community, in my opinion. I know all the hot spots, the streets, the systems, the people, and I honestly don't mind the fast paced life- the life in Canada can be really slow and it seems hard to speed it up- it can even be stifling sometimes.

When I have (from the mountain of information available on the internet), finally identified a goal to work towards to, yet nothing more has become clear. I chose to aim on one of the universities in Canada, however, it's still unclear if it would be better (or easier) if I entered by a Canadian high school or by international grades. I suppose it's around the same though.

Well, if you think about it, it just comes down to what do i think Canada has to offer me (and my family) in the long run.. do we actually want to stay here for... i don't know, the rest of our lives? That's hard to say because well, it's not like the healthcare system or the social security benefits are that much better than singapore's...

ARGH IT'S SUCH A HARD DECISION!!! (and plus my dad's not thinking about it, my mom's being more indecisive than me, maybe I should just flip a coin. like the powers of the gods that rule from above determine my fate~) (haha i love using such words~)

*てか、I did flip a coin (a CAD $1 coin heh)
And it was tails, ie, CANADA.
Actually, thinking about it, so many things were pointing towards staying in Canada during our trip to Canada this time- from our lodging, to finding out places to visit, to our lightning quick registration for schools-- maybe, as cliche as it may sound, it's fate?
あ、かみさま、おしえてください!>>> dramatic prayer >:D

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